Additional theme for real estate script, can be purchased on codecanyon:
Theme is compatible with script version >=1.5.6
Additional theme for real estate script, can be purchased on codecanyon:
Theme is compatible with script version >=1.5.6
Theme is compatible with version >=1.5.4
Description and purchase details are available on this link:
If you don’t want to each time when adding new property add shortcode this is solution for you:
Walker map can be auto-integrated into theme or plugin with some customizations:
You should investigate which template file generate property preview page and how to fetch coordinates, address and title ,then set it to variables:
$w_p_title , $gmap_lat, $gmap_long, $property_address
Here is example code to generate shortcode in template file:
<h4>Neighborhood places</h4> <?php $w_p_title = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'post_title', true); $gmap_lat = $gmap_lat; $gmap_long = $gmap_long; $property_address = $property_address; echo do_shortcode('[walker metric="km" latitude="'.$gmap_lat.'" longitude="'.$gmap_long.'" default_index="1"]'.$w_p_title.'<br />'.$property_address.'[/walker]'); ?>
If you have issues or not familiar with “code” I can also try to do this for you for additional cost. If you are interested drop me email or open support ticket…