You need to copy existing and customize, example:
Also additional changes required in edit page:
We build search form and algorithm based on standard search logic. But this can also be customized.
PHP + MySQL knowledge is required for this.
Related file where algorithm can be found: application\models\estate_m.php , method filter_results
Example how to ignore all other fields when visitor search from smart search / location input field:
With Firefox developer console (CTRL+Shift+K) you can detect field names used in this search algorithm, example:
If you need some customization’s services, please follow this guide:
By default search by price works based on defined purpose “Sale “or “Rent”
By default Sale price is used, field ID #36
If user select purpose which contains word “Rent” then field ID #37 (Rent is used)
Only Rent price (excl.) is used for search, other is only used for information, to show on property preview page.
If you want to add new prices for search or customize this functionality, probably you should look into application\controllers\frontend.php, ajax method, code inside comment block:
/* Define purpose */
/* End define purpose */
Currently there is code to automatically change from sale price to rent if user select purpose which contain word “Rent”. You should do same thing for your new price/purpose.
Also don’t forget to enable filtering for your new price field in administration, guide:
If you are not familiar with PHP I can provide customization for you (cost additional). Details:
Related posts:
You can customize size of rectangle in templates\bootstrap2-responsive\components\head.php, search for:
new google.maps.LatLng(, map_center.lng()+0.8)
And change values to wanted.
In version >=1.5.4:
Admin->Pages->Edit->change header template
In versions <=1.5.3:
Can be done with wanted template file customizations, just remove part of code that showing map/slider/search, for example on classic page_page.php located in folder: templates\bootstrap2-responsive, remove this part:
<input id="pac-input" class="controls" type="text" placeholder="{lang_Search}" /> <div class="wrap-map" id="wrap-map"> </div> {template_search}