First you should buy another hosting package for your website, my suggestion where everything is tested and works nice:
- Copy all files and export-import database via phpMyAdmin
- Manually configure database details in file application\config\production\database.php
- Check configuration file application\config\config.php, specially line 29 and line 41, sometimes you need change .htaccess file because of removing index.php or customizations
- Change codecanyon_username and purchase_code in file: application\config\cms_config.php with new one (one purchase code is for one installation only)
Possible ssues after move (blank screen or similar):
- Hard-coded website domain in application\config\config.php :
- Wrong quotes in application\config\production\database.php or other config file
- Different PHP version on new server (Best will be 5.6)
- mysql db driver not supported, you should try with mysqli, just replace in database config file or select when installing
Quote issue example:
You can’t login after moving issues:
Script using advanced hashing methods to protect passwords saved in database, if your server doesn’t support same as localhost, then login will not work on any account.
In that case you should register new account, and manually define it as admin to login as admin, for this you should:
Login to your Cpanel->PHPMyAdmin->Open database table users and change type of added user to ADMIN: