Tag Archives: property

How add or save listing property works?

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So usually estate_m.php (method save) and controller estate.php method edit

Basic field details are defined in:


affected fields here:


Saving process:




How to add custom field to property preview page?

First you should add new field via your administration:
Admin->Real estate->Fields (You can see # part there, what is field ID)

Then you should add it to your template file property.php


Where # represents field id / key of option

You can also use alternative PHP syntax, for example:

<?php if(!empty($estate_data_option_#))echo $estate_data_option_#; ?>

More details are available in documentation:


To add new category, most simple way is to just copy example code from another category and modify by your needs.

Or use this code example:


    $category_id = 1;


<?php if(isset(${"category_options_$category_id"}) && ${"category_options_count_$category_id"}>0): ?>
<h3 class="page-header"><?php echo ${"options_name_$category_id"} ?></h3>
<div class="property-amenities clearfix">
        <?php foreach(${"category_options_$category_id"} as $key=>$row): ?>
        <?php if(!empty($row['option_value'])): ?>
            <?php if(count($row['is_text']) > 0): ?>
            <div class="panel-row"> 
                <p class="bottom-border"><strong><?php _che($row['option_name']); ?>:</strong> <span><?php echo _che($row['option_prefix']); ?> <?php echo _che($row['option_value']); ?> <?php echo _che($row['option_suffix']); ?></span><br style="clear: both;" /></p>
            <?php elseif(count($row['is_dropdown']) > 0): ?>
            <div class="panel-row"> 
                <p class="bottom-border"><strong><?php _che($row['option_name']); ?>:</strong> <span class="label label-success"><?php echo _che($row['option_prefix']); ?> <?php echo _che($row['option_value']); ?> <?php echo _che($row['option_suffix']); ?></span><br style="clear: both;" /></p>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
</div><!-- /.property-amenities -->
<?php endif; ?>