Sometimes only error reporting can help you to find error.
Check if you using php version >= 5.6, older PHP version can cause issues with blank screen!
In script you can enable error reporting in index.php as attached.
Sometimes only error reporting can help you to find error.
Check if you using php version >= 5.6, older PHP version can cause issues with blank screen!
In script you can enable error reporting in index.php as attached.
You receive message: Unsupported feature of the database platform you are using.
You can try with another driver, edit file: application/config/production/database.php
in line:
$db['mysql']['dbdriver'] = 'mysqli';
In this case for example change from mysqli to mysql
Also it’s safer if you backup via cpanel, so just backup there:
Stackoverflow link about this issue:
If you receive message like:
Can’t create table ‘’ (errno: -1)
Probably your mysql server don’t have innoDB storage engine enabled. You can check this, add some table and try to set innodb engine:
If this is your situation, please ask your hosting provider why innodb storage engine doesn’t work on your mysql server.