You need to copy existing and customize, example:
Also additional changes required in edit page:
We build search form and algorithm based on standard search logic. But this can also be customized.
PHP + MySQL knowledge is required for this.
Related file where algorithm can be found: application\models\estate_m.php , method filter_results
Example how to ignore all other fields when visitor search from smart search / location input field:
With Firefox developer console (CTRL+Shift+K) you can detect field names used in this search algorithm, example:
If you need some customization’s services, please follow this guide:
Remove form elements?
Form is usually located in: templates\{your-template}\property.php so first remove elements there.
If form element is required then you should remove this “requred|” validation rule in:
application\models\enquire_m.php , defined in “$rules” array.
If you using template which support visual search form builder like:
Property Listing and Hotel Booking Portal #02
Real Estate Retro Template #03
Horse Market Sell & Rent Portal
You can customize forms by guide:!/custom_search_form
But if you wish for example split row into 3 columns or add custom css class then you can add it also:
then depend on bootstrap version or custom classes you can add for example “bootstrap3″:
More detail about bootstrap grid system:
For version >= 1.5.5 all email templates can be found in: application\views\email or in admin->settings->design template->Email templates editor
Logo image can be changed: ‘admin-assets/img/stamp.png’
For version >= 1.5.3 many email templates can be found in: application\views\email
For version <=1.5.2 or some specific emails:
Please login to read this.