We can provide you Installation service on your cpanel
hosting, price is 49 USD.
Tested hosting service ideal for start
and standard usage for around 1000 listings, price is 149 USD / YEAR
If you are interested for above services please send me email to: sanljiljan@geniuscript.com
Of course first you should buy hosting package for your website, my suggestion where everything is tested and works nice:

If you are too lazy or don’t have time I can also provide you installation service, details:
1. Login to your cpanel and click on mysql databases icon:

2. Create database:

3. Create user:

4. Add user to database:

5. Define user privileges:

6. Go to phpMyAdmin:

7. Change char set:

8. Open file manager:

9. Go to file uploading:

10. Upload file:

11. Extract file on server

12. Delete file from server:

13. Now you are ready to install script:

14. Save provided details and open your website:

Auto-backup via cpanel:
1. Login to your cpanel
2. Backups->Download a Full website backup
Manual-backup via cpanel or similar tool:
1. Login to your cpanel
2. (Backup database) Go to phpMyAdmin, select database, export:

3. (Backup files) Go to file manager from cpanel dashboard:

Select folder where script is installed, all files inside and archive

Download compressed file:

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