Tag Archives: add

How add or save listing property works?

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So usually estate_m.php (method save) and controller estate.php method edit

Basic field details are defined in:


affected fields here:


Saving process:




Add field / option manually via phpmyadmin

For WP themes or plugin version:

If you accidentally remove red locked option from the database and now you need it… Now can be added via phpMyAdmin only, SQL queries:

wp_ is database prefix, may be different based on your wp configuration.

80 is field id in such example for badge

INSERT INTO `wp_sw_field` (`idfield`, `parent_id`, `order`, `type`, `is_locked`, `is_table_visible`, `is_preview_visible`, `is_submission_visible`, `is_hardlocked`, `is_required`, `is_translatable`, `is_quickvisible`, `max_length`, `repository_id`, `image_filename`, `image_gallery`, `image_id`, `columns_number`) VALUES (80, NULL, NULL, 'DROPDOWN', '1', NULL, NULL, '1', '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

and then:

INSERT INTO `wp_cp_4`.`wp_sw_field_lang` (`idfield_lang`, `field_id`, `lang_id`, `field_name`, `values`, `prefix`, `suffix`, `hint`, `placeholder`) VALUES (NULL, '80', '1', 'Badge', 'b1,b2,b3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Then will appear like this:


For PHP scripts:

If you accidentally remove red locked option from the database and now you need it… Now can be added via phpMyAdmin only, SQL queries:

To add option:

INSERT INTO `option` (`id` ,`parent_id` ,`order` ,`type` ,`visible` ,`is_locked` ,`is_frontend` ,`is_hardlocked`
) VALUES ('4', '0', NULL , 'DROPDOWN', '1', '1', '1', '1')

To add translations for option:

INSERT INTO `option_lang` (`option_id`, `language_id`, `option`, `values`, `prefix`, `suffix`) VALUES
(4, 1, 'Purpose', 'Sale,Rent,Sale and Rent', NULL, ''),
(4, 2, 'Namjena', 'Prodaja,Najam,Prodaja i najam', NULL, '');

In this example we adding ID #4,  and 1,2 was languages ID.

Another example for translation with just one language:

INSERT INTO `option_lang` (`option_id`, `language_id`, `option`, `values`, `prefix`, `suffix`) VALUES
(8, 1, 'Short description', '', NULL, '');

In this example we adding ID #8,  and 1 was languages ID because now we have only one language.

By ID of course we mean original field ID which you need to restore.

example query for listing category in classified script:

Category have ID field 79, so based on guide add field with id 79 manually, type is TREE
example query:
INSERT INTO `option` (`id` ,`parent_id` ,`order` ,`type` ,`visible` ,`is_locked` ,`is_frontend` ,`is_hardlocked`
) VALUES ('79', '0', NULL , 'TREE', '1', '1', '1', '1')

To add translations for option:

INSERT INTO `option_lang` (`option_id`, `language_id`, `option`, `values`, `prefix`, `suffix`) VALUES
(79, 1, 'Listing Category', '', NULL, '');