Google Maps Platfom images-01

IMPORTANT: Google Maps Changes!

Short info for you if you wish to use google maps:

In admin->settings->system settings (If you using WordPress then Admin->Listings->Settings) you need to enter your google maps api key and enable billing on Google Maps. If you will not do that then google maps and will stop working on June 11th and your website may become unusable (UPDATE: Google started with billing on 18.07.2018).

Now google created nice page to generate your owm maps api key:

Old guide how to enter and get your own api key:

For now Google will provide free 200 USD/months what should be enough for all our clients.

EDIT: on 1. August 2019 I received invoice 55 USD so noticed that no more free 200 USD per month, is actually limited to 300 USD for first year and will be probably removed in future

you need to enable this libraries for all features:


Short info for you if you want to use completely free (for now) openstreetmaps:

We working on implementation, in new script versions you will be able to find: admin->settings->system settings->Open street map checkbox like on screen:


Or in WordPress themes/plugins in Admin->Listings->Settings

Other details:

Today May 2, Google release troublesome news about Google Maps, please read this complete news because your website may stop working.

Beginning June 11th, Google launching new pricing plan what will impact all clients and cause google maps not working issue!



What this means for us?

Until now we providing our api key by default on installation, but because many of website now using our api key we are not able to pay this by new google pricing so api key related will be disabled by google and you will need to enter your own api key.

We plan to implement alternative free maps support, still deciding about solution, probably will be openstreetmaps or similar. Problem is that we don’t have enough time to implement this on all our script and themes so your own api key is only solution for now.




Google Map Infowindow issue in May 2018

On 17.05.2018 Google released new experimental maps api again. without any notice and many websites have troubles after that update again.

Now you should change same as below, but with v=3.3

Google released new experimental maps api on 13.2.2018. without any notice and many websites have troubles after that update.

Continue reading

Server errors, Bad Gateway

Many servers exists with many different configurations, so such issues may happen.

1. try disable mod security in cpanel or ask hosting provider to disable

2. change PHP to 7.2 or 7.3, try this php config:

3. nginx issues guides:

4. If issue persists also provide cpanel login and admin login via support ticket:


Regarding hosting providers, we using in our demos cpanel version from:


Script Selio Change footer

All text changes in our scripts can be done via translation feature, so example:

You should translate this via administration for your language:

Admin->Settings->Languages->Translate files for wanted language->frontend_template_lang.php->translate missing fields

Example video:

And more info:

Also possible to change in files:

Files related:






Plugins compatibility

This list is from our experience with using our plugins and themes by thousands of clients. If you notice some strange behavior please inform us also via support ticket.

Generally when you have some issue first you should try to disable all third parity plugins in WordPress dashboard and when you need some specific feature use some plugin from our compatible plugins list.

Plugins to avoid (will break your website or causing incompatibility issues so avoid at all costs):


W3 Total Cache

Compatible plugins (will not break your website):




Loco Translate

WP all import

WP all export

Yoast SEO


LiteSpeed Cache


Neighborhood walker


User Profile Picture



How to update script?

Usual guide is: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater

Detailed steps:

1. Download new version on codecanyon

2. in this downloaded zip file remove folders ”/files” and ”/application/config”

Example how to do that with 7zip archiver program:



Upload this file and extract on cpanel where script is installed

Upload via FTP is not suggested because sometimes files are skipped.

If you skipped some updates then check this old guide:

We can also provide updating services for additional cost, you can request via support ticket.

Move WordPress Theme to other Domain

This is very tricky in WordPress because of bad WordPress code design. On image and many other links WordPress saving absolute links with domain name.

Our plugins will work out of the box, but some regular wp features like posts or third parity plugins will not work properly.

Plugin may help you with that, to replace domain name in posts and other content.


Suggested PHP config

Regarding hosting providers, all our codes are tested on:


99.99% our clients use cpanel, this is best and most easier way to go

Everything else like custom servers just causing unpredictable unnecessary trouble for us and our clients, is very hard to support such clients.

Example php modules from our demo hosting:


from php.ini this parameters are important:

* upload_max_filesize = 128M
* post_max_size = 128M
* max_execution_time = 5000
* max_input_time = 2000
* memory_limit = 512M
* max_input_nesting_level = 128
* max_input_vars = 10000
* output_buffering = 4096

How add or save listing property works?

This is only for very advanced developers who want to change some core features! Not for regular users!
If you need paid customization services please send request here:
You should understand codeigniter MVC:

Also check some articles in knowledge base like:

So usually estate_m.php (method save) and controller estate.php method edit

Basic field details are defined in:


affected fields here:


Saving process:




SEO slugs in classified script

Extra SEO module  can replace: with:

This module is very server configuration
sensitive so no guarantee that will work on all servers.
But it is tested on and there works fine.

Guide to configure:

In application\config\cms_config.php add this lines:
$config['slug_enabled'] = TRUE;
$config['alt_enabled'] = TRUE;

Regarding nice SEO slugs:
and in slug.php you should change:
$script_folder = '/property-point/';
to your folder or use  '/' if your website was in root folder

additionaly, use htaccess_examples/slug.htaccess, move to www directory and rename to .htaccess

and in .htaccess you should change:
RewriteBase /property-point
to your folder name or leave only '/' if your website was in root folder.
mod_rewrite should be enabled without limitations on server for this...

In application\config\config.php you should have defined:
$config['index_page'] = 'index.php';