Example video: https://geniuscript.com/scripts/dependent-fields.mp4
Example video: https://geniuscript.com/scripts/dependent-fields.mp4
After you upload images and save listing, you are able to press on edit button on images, if image is in wrong aspect ratio you are able to crop it this way:
All text changes in our scripts can be done via translation feature, so example:
Admin->Settings->Languages->Translate files for wanted language->frontend_template_lang.php->translate missing fields
Example video: http://geniuscript.com/support-videos/change-text.mp4
And more info: http://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=156
Also possible to change in files:
Files related:
Usual guide is: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater
Detailed steps:
1. Download new version on codecanyon
2. in this downloaded zip file remove folders ”/files” and ”/application/config”
Example how to do that with 7zip archiver program:
Upload this file and extract on cpanel where script is installed
Upload via FTP is not suggested because sometimes files are skipped.
If you skipped some updates then check this old guide: https://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=172
We can also provide updating services for additional cost, you can request via support ticket.
Regarding hosting providers, all our codes are tested on:
99.99% our clients use cpanel, this is best and most easier way to go
Everything else like custom servers just causing unpredictable unnecessary trouble for us and our clients, is very hard to support such clients.
Example php modules from our demo hosting:
from php.ini this parameters are important:
* upload_max_filesize = 128M
* post_max_size = 128M
* max_execution_time = 5000
* max_input_time = 2000
* memory_limit = 512M
* max_input_nesting_level = 128
* max_input_vars = 10000
* output_buffering = 4096
Some basic coding is required for this.
We can do that for you as small customization services (cost additional). If you are interested please submit all details here: http://geniuscript.com/support/
or by this hints if you are developer:
some screenshot attached example for espana
General CSS guides: http://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=2039
Example to change logo sizes in classified script
File: templates\boomerang\assets\css\custom.css
And add css to bottom. i provide example, please replace “46px” to your size:
/* descktop */
header .navbar-wp .navbar-brand img {
height: 46px;
/* tablet */
@media (max-width: 991px) {
header .navbar-wp .navbar-brand img {
height: 46px;
/* mobile */
@media (max-width: 767px) {
header .navbar-wp .navbar-brand img {
height: 46px;
Short info for you if you wish to use google maps:
In admin->settings->system settings (If you using WordPress then Admin->Listings->Settings) you need to enter your google maps api key and enable billing on Google Maps. If you will not do that then google maps and will stop working on June 11th and your website may become unusable (UPDATE: Google started with billing on 18.07.2018).
Now google created nice page to generate your owm maps api key: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
Old guide how to enter and get your own api key: http://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=9658
For now Google will provide free 200 USD/months what should be enough for all our clients.
EDIT: on 1. August 2019 I received invoice 55 USD so noticed that no more free 200 USD per month, is actually limited to 300 USD for first year and will be probably removed in future
you need to enable this libraries for all features:
Short info for you if you want to use completely free (for now) openstreetmaps:
We working on implementation, in new script versions you will be able to find: admin->settings->system settings->Open street map checkbox like on screen:
Or in WordPress themes/plugins in Admin->Listings->Settings
Other details:
Today May 2, Google release troublesome news about Google Maps, please read this complete news because your website may stop working.
Beginning June 11th, Google launching new pricing plan what will impact all clients and cause google maps not working issue!
News: https://mapsplatform.googleblog.com/2018/05/introducing-google-maps-platform.html
Pricing: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/pricing/sheet/
What this means for us?
Until now we providing our api key by default on installation, but because many of website now using our api key we are not able to pay this by new google pricing so api key related will be disabled by google and you will need to enter your own api key.
We plan to implement alternative free maps support, still deciding about solution, probably will be openstreetmaps or similar. Problem is that we don’t have enough time to implement this on all our script and themes so your own api key is only solution for now.
Also check some articles in knowledge base like: http://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=1288
So usually estate_m.php (method save) and controller estate.php method edit
Basic field details are defined in:
affected fields here:
Saving process:
Addon is compatible with script version >= 1.6.2
Price: 20 EUR + VAT (if applicable)
If you are interested for this module please send me message to email: sanljiljan@geniuscript.com
Developer knowledge is required for such customization’s.
If you are not developer you can request customization here: http://geniuscript.com/support/
On 17.05.2018 Google released new experimental maps api again. without any notice and many websites have troubles after that update again.
Now you should change same as below, but with v=3.3
Google released new experimental maps api on 13.2.2018. without any notice and many websites have troubles after that update.
Example issue:
Message: mysqli::real_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:100029
Sounds like server issue. PHP and MySQL versions not compatible.
Try this solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10759334/headers-and-client-library-minor-version-mismatch
If this is localhost try with:
frontend is a bit special controller you should not add new methods there
better to use test.php or api.php controller
One client turns out this script isn’t compatible with Varnish caching on servers. So if you experiencing issue with strange logout on SAVE or similar, try to disable this feature on your server.
To change timezone:
list of supported: http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
Example for using custom date format on property.php template file:
<?php if(!empty($estate_data_option_37)): ?>
<p class="bottom-border">
<?php $date_variable = $estate_data_option_37; ?>
<?php echo date('j F Y', strtotime($date_variable)); ?>
<?php endif;?>
PHP documentation for date function: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
37 is example field ID #, can be found in Admin->{listings}->fields