Example video: https://geniuscript.com/scripts/dependent-fields.mp4
Customizations related to Real estate agency portal
Example video: https://geniuscript.com/scripts/dependent-fields.mp4
Usual guide is: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater
Detailed steps:
1. Download new version on codecanyon
2. in this downloaded zip file remove folders ”/files” and ”/application/config”
Example how to do that with 7zip archiver program:
Upload this file and extract on cpanel where script is installed
Upload via FTP is not suggested because sometimes files are skipped.
If you skipped some updates then check this old guide: https://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=172
We can also provide updating services for additional cost, you can request via support ticket.
Regarding hosting providers, all our codes are tested on:
99.99% our clients use cpanel, this is best and most easier way to go
Everything else like custom servers just causing unpredictable unnecessary trouble for us and our clients, is very hard to support such clients.
Example php modules from our demo hosting:
from php.ini this parameters are important:
* upload_max_filesize = 128M
* post_max_size = 128M
* max_execution_time = 5000
* max_input_time = 2000
* memory_limit = 512M
* max_input_nesting_level = 128
* max_input_vars = 10000
* output_buffering = 4096
Some basic coding is required for this.
We can do that for you as small customization services (cost additional). If you are interested please submit all details here: http://geniuscript.com/support/
or by this hints if you are developer:
some screenshot attached example for espana
General CSS guides: http://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=2039
Example to change logo sizes in classified script
File: templates\boomerang\assets\css\custom.css
And add css to bottom. i provide example, please replace “46px” to your size:
/* descktop */
header .navbar-wp .navbar-brand img {
height: 46px;
/* tablet */
@media (max-width: 991px) {
header .navbar-wp .navbar-brand img {
height: 46px;
/* mobile */
@media (max-width: 767px) {
header .navbar-wp .navbar-brand img {
height: 46px;
Also check some articles in knowledge base like: http://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=1288
So usually estate_m.php (method save) and controller estate.php method edit
Basic field details are defined in:
affected fields here:
Saving process:
Developer knowledge is required for such customization’s.
If you are not developer you can request customization here: http://geniuscript.com/support/
frontend is a bit special controller you should not add new methods there
better to use test.php or api.php controller
To change timezone:
list of supported: http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
Example for using custom date format on property.php template file:
<?php if(!empty($estate_data_option_37)): ?>
<p class="bottom-border">
<?php $date_variable = $estate_data_option_37; ?>
<?php echo date('j F Y', strtotime($date_variable)); ?>
<?php endif;?>
PHP documentation for date function: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
37 is example field ID #, can be found in Admin->{listings}->fields
Because of some performance troubles (loading time increasing with more markers based on client network speed) we added limit to 100 markers on map in search, this can be changed by following hint image:
Example, what you can put into template files:
<?php if($lang_code == 'hr'): ?>
ga('linker:autoLink', ['website.hr']);
<?php elseif($lang_code == 'en'): ?>
ga('linker:autoLink', ['website.en']);
<?php elseif($lang_code == 'de'): ?>
ga('linker:autoLink', ['website.de']);
<?php endif; ?>
For example if you don’t want to show message for listing limitation, Continue reading
Some PHP knowledge is required!
You can customize related view and controller file: http://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=1288
We build search form and algorithm based on standard search logic. But this can also be customized.
PHP + MySQL knowledge is required for this.
Related file where algorithm can be found: application\models\estate_m.php , method filter_results
Example how to ignore all other fields when visitor search from smart search / location input field:
With Firefox developer console (CTRL+Shift+K) you can detect field names used in this search algorithm, example:
If you need some customization’s services, please follow this guide: http://iwinter.com.hr/support/?page_id=1870
In template files code, images are dynamically generated this way, example with function _simg:
<img src="<?php echo _simg($file['url'], '470x311');?>"